The Greater Edmonton Lacrosse Council was organized and incorporated as a Society on January 29 of 1986. It did exist for many years prior in the communities in Edmonton and surrounding areas.

Mission Statment
Code of Conduct as per GELC bylaw 10.01.2
All Persons, Members, Players, Coaches, Managers, Trainers, officials and members of Members shall:
- attempt at all times to work toward the goals and objectives of the GELC and the game of Lacrosse, and towards the betterment of its members;
- strive to heighten the image and dignity of the GELC and the sport of Lacrosse as a whole, and to refrain from behavior which may discredit or embarrass the GELC or the Game;
- always be courteous and objective in dealings with other members
- except when made through proper channels, refrain from unfavorable criticism of other members or representatives of the GELC;
- strive to achieve excellence in the sport while supporting the concepts of Fair Play and a Drug-Free sport
- how respect for the cultural, social and political values of all participants in the sport;
- As a guest in a foreign country, other province or other Association, abide by the laws of the host and adhere to any social customs concerning conduct.